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Dacic to head Serbian delegation to UNSC meeting (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic will head a Serbian delegation to a UN Security Council meeting on Kosovo scheduled for Friday, August 29, according to the Tuesday edition of Belgrade-based daily Novosti.

Dacic will travel to New York from Berlin, where he and Prime Minister Vucic will participate in a conference on the Western Balkans hosted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the day before.

Travelling to the East River together with Dacic will also be Director of the Office for Kosovo-Metohija Marko Djuric. The Serbian officials will use opportunity to once again bring up before the most influential countries in the world the problems facing the Serbs in the province.

The UN Security Council is meeting on Friday to discuss the latest quarterly report by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the situation in the southern Serbian province, where he calls on Belgrade and Pristina to resume talks about unresolved issues as soon as possible, after a break was taken for Kosovo’s early elections held at the beginning of June.