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"Kosovo has opened the law of the jungle"(B92)

“Spain is deeply convinced that the support of the United States and other countries for the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo is a huge mistake,” said Charge d'Affaires of the Embassy of Spain in Belgrade, Inigo Ramirez de Aro Valdes, noting that Catalan separatism is not supported.

Ramirez de Aro said that the Catalan separatism has no international support, because "recognition of unilateral declarations causes global chaos and a map of the world turns into a pointless war pattern".

When asked whether Serbia should recognize unilaterally declared formation, in order to progress in European integrations, Ramires de Aro said that Spain is opposed to any kind of support or recognition of unilateral declaration, due to the principle that must be respected everywhere. "By Unilateral Declaration the borders cannot be changed, anywhere in the world. If you are allowed to do it once, a law of the jungle will be established. With Kosovo we have already entered in the rule of law of the jungle," said Ramirez de Aro.

He pointed out that Spain's disapproves it, because the same countries that accept and support the independence of Kosovo will not accept any unilateral proclamation of independence, which seems like hypocrisy, contradiction. "The following logical question: if you accept to dissolve Serbia, and if you are trying to create an independent Kosovo, why then you don’t accept that this non-existent self-proclaimed formation divide?"

As one of the major differences between separatism in Kosovo and in Catalonia, he pointed out a huge contradiction, according to which the United States and other countries have recognized Kosovo probably due to the past and fact that Serbs "in that film were declared as the bad guys, which should be punished."

Emphasizing that he is sure that Catalan separatism does not and will not have support, Ramires de Aro said that international support, in this case, would create a general instability. "Catalonia enjoys autonomy, freedom and democracy. When we speak about growing separatism, one should know that it consists only of nationalist symbols and building of emotion on populist rhetoric, which is essentially extremely reactionary," concluded Ramirez de Aro Valdes.

He added that in recent years, Catalan nationalism grew mostly due to the economic crisis, but that it cannot be allowed that populist enthusiasm conducts democracy.