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Jablanovic: The SLS policy for us is the past (KiM Radio)

It is important that the Serbs are in the Government of Kosovo, but the policy of the SLS, should not be continued, analysts say. Alexander Jablanovic says that politics of the Serbian list has nothing to do with the SLS's.

Analyst Stojan Jovanovic said that for the first time after the 1999, Serbs have a consistent policy, which, he said, cannot be said for the previous political set, which participated in the previous term in Kosovo institutions.

"The story of these people from the previous mandate was, we're not for the high level politics, we are for the solution of the problems. If the Serbs do not participate in the creation of so-called high politics, then those at the local level have nothing to look for there. The story, which the people from the previous mandate advocated, fell into the water. SLS MPs gave up this policy by joining the Serbian list, or when they accepted that Belgrade is a key factor," Jovanovic said.

Fatmir Sheholi, an analyst from Pristina said that the Serbian list is responsible for the fact that the SLS people are accepted by Belgrade. He states that one should not ignore the fact that these same people were involved in the work of institutions when Kosovo declared independence.

"The SLS was involved in the formation of all the institutions of Kosovo and now is part of the Serbian list. How come now that people who have recognized the independence of Kosovo are rehabilitated? You have four SLS MPs ... These same people for seven years actively supported the independence of Kosovo, who are now on the Serbian List, then how is it possible that Self-determination bothers the Serbian List, which has the same views as the SLS on the independence of Kosovo," Sheholi said.

President of the Serbian list, Aleksandar Jablanovic, distancing himself from the past SLS’s policy, said that, in order to achieve higher goals in the parliamentary elections in Kosovo, they had to turn a blind eye to some things.

"We went to Kosovo's parliamentary elections at a time when it was not very rewarding, with people whose biographies many of you associate with the creation of Kosovo as an independent state. However, the position that we have achieved, staining in a way what we in the north have had the past 15 years, is bringing the Serbian people in Kosovo in a state of unity. There is one political centre in Kosovo and Metohija, which is the Serbian list, there is a centre in Serbia, which is Belgrade, a clear and unbroken communication between the two political positions and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, who may hope for something," concluded Jablanovic.

Jablanovic stressed that Serbian list, no matter of the SLS members being part of it, has a completely different concept of politics with different objectives, which are not a party ones or personal.

"The policy of the SLS for us is the past, with which we have nothing in common, nor do we carry that burden from the past. Those who at the time were prominent officials of the SLS solely bear the political and moral responsibility for their own actions, measures and politics in the past seven years."

Jablanovic, however, states that one should not ignore the effect of bad moves from the past, that can be felt and today. "It is now past, but that past has created a reality in which we now live."