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Road sign to greater Albania appears in Vitina/Viti (Tanjug)

A road sign listing the distances from Vitina/Viti to cities that should come under a greater Albania has been put up in the downtown of this eastern Kosovo municipality to mark the Albanian Flag Day, observed in Albania on November 28.

The road sign lists the distances from Vitina/Viti to the city of Nis and Presevo in southern part of central Serbia, Ulcinj on the Montenegrin coast and Janjina in Greece.

The sign was set up by ethnic Albanian Self-Determination Movement on Friday in the presence of a number of people. The flag of a greater Albania, a nationalist project that would include parts of Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Greece, is attached to the top of the post.

This is the same greater Albania map which was flown by a drone above the football pitch during the match between national teams of Serbia and Albania in Belgrade on October 14.

The monument honouring U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke was also revealed in Vitina/Viti on Friday in the presence of a number of citizens and political officials to mark the Albanian Flag Day. Holbrooke was one of the most fervent advocates of the bombing campaign against former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia back in 1999.