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Imports of goods in northern Kosovo only with Kosovo licenses (Blic)

The companies which to date have not submitted requests for Kosovo licenses will not be able to import goods to the north from tomorrow. This rule does not imply only to companies which import medicines and medical equipment and which were given the deadline until 31 May 2015 to regulate the Kosovo licenses.

The necessity of possessing a license Kosovo is the result of an agreement on customs between Belgrade and Pristina, which was reached in Brussels on 17 January 2013. 

The head of the Kosovo Tax Administration responsible for the North, Katarina Ađančić, told Tanjug that from 1 January 2015, the import of goods is possible only with a license, or certificate attesting that the procedure for licensing company is initiated.   

Registration is carried out in the Administrative Office of the Kosovo government, which is located in North Mitrovica and so far in this office were registered more than 500 companies.