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West accused of "allowing genocide in Kosovo" (B92)


BELGRADE -- Retired Czech Lt. Col. Marek Obrtel, who recently returned the military medals he received from NATO, says that "genocide against Serbs" took place in Kosovo.

 Obrtel called the western military alliance "a criminal organization" because of the policies it conducts.

"In Kosovo genocide against Serbs took place, which the West has caused, and that is why I carry with me a feeling of sadness, bitterness and disappointment, because I was part of the NATO machinery. I was a witness to drug gangsters becoming distinguished representatives of the so-called state of Kosovo, while mass murderers became heroes," the Czech officer told the Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti.

Obrtel, a military doctor who, after participating in numerous missions around the world, decided to return NATO's medals, also said that Kosovo is "a major European tragedy, which occurred in our home, in Europe," which, in turn "allowed, better yet, caused genocide to happen."

Obrtel added that although he left active service, the events in Ukraine but also the experience from other countries "destroyed by NATO" prompted him to speak out. He believes that the alliance is today a criminal organization, but that this would not be the case if its purpose really was to serve only to defend member-countries against foreign aggression.

He thinks that those who lead NATO in fact conduct criminal policies, as they "operate under the false banner of struggle for freedom, democracy, human rights and humanitarian purposes, using it to carry out aggression throughout the world."

According to Obrtel, NATO attacks countries that for whatever reason become unsuitable, disobedient, "or if the world's hegemonic factors have some interests associated with them."

"First, a country is torn apart from the inside through media campaigns, colored revolutions, tinkering with the most sensitive issues, ethnic divisions or religious differences. Simply put, it is destabilized."

He added that what follows are superficial excuses "or staged violence against the population."

"Then comes NATO with its units, followed by humanitarian organizations and observer missions, as alleged protector of human rights and freedoms. Shortly after, 'businessmen' arrive and begin to rebuild the country, that is, realize their own interests," said Obrtel.

He also observed that Bosnia-Herzegovina "fared somewhat better than Kosovo."

"Even the most ardent supporters of the theory that 'both opposing sides' are helped evenly and fairly will notice the profound differences that exist between the Serb Republic and Muslim-Croat Federation. Of course, at the expense of the Serb Republic. It is clearly visible against whom the whole Bosnian machinery is directed," the Czech officer concluded.
