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Sebastian Kurz to visit Kosovo and FYROM (Blic)

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, Sebastian Kurz to visit Kosovo and FYROM today.

As announced in Vienna, Kurtz will be tonight in Pristina and meet religious leaders and Interior Minister Skender Hyseni and Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga, and he would talk about "jihadism and radicalization in the Western Balkans".

Austria for some time is known as the centre of radical Islamists, who through the Western Balkans intend to travel to Syria or Iraq. And there exist exchange of preachers, as shown by the arrest of Mirsad Omerovic, preacher from Tutin, who recruited people in Austria for the Islamic state.  

Kurtz will also open an exhibition with Jahjaga on Otto Wagner Leopold Forstner in Pristina Cathedral. On Tuesday, he will meet with Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci and Prime Minister Isa Mustafa.

Austrian Foreign Minister will visit the Austrian troops in KFOR in Pec/Peja, and in the afternoon will visit the Decani Monastery, as well as an agricultural project of Austria.

Then he would go to FYROM, where he would meet with Ali Ahmeti, the leader of the Democratic Union for Integration.

Kurtz will have a Wednesday meeting with the head of the Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, but also with Radmila Sekerinska from the Social Democratic Alliance of Macedonia.