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Ljajic: We'll guard the property in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia has the greatest interest to impose the issue of protection of its property in Kosovo on the agenda of the upcoming talks with Pristina.

Said Rasim Ljajic to Vecernje Novosti, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Telecommunications and Tourism:

- Pristina will try in every way to avoid this issue, and the part of the international community. But Belgrade has invested heavily in building infrastructure and businesses in Kosovo. We have no right to raise our hands of it.

How to protect assets when we see seizure of Trepca unilaterally and with impunity?

If we are ready to solve many issues, in which generally we make concessions, it gives us the right to bring this important topic to the Brussels table. We will not give up from the request.

Why does the EU, by moving the date for the opening of chapters, only punishes Serbia for the slow implementation of the Brussels Agreement?

There were delays in the implementation of the agreement, because Pristina organized elections. Serbia is not to blame for that. It's wrong to pressure only Belgrade. It should be noted that Pristina is obstructing the formation of the Association of Serbian municipalities.

Specifically, in your sector is not yet resolved the issue of the area code for Kosovo...

Both negotiating parties have committed to respect the principles and standards of the International Telecommunication Union. But Pristina wants area code to be assigned to them, so that Serbia will be completely excluded from the process. This is contrary to the rules of the International Union.

Do you expect the reconstruction of the Government of Serbia in April?

One year of the Government is the right moment for the lap time. Many countries that are in transition and are withdrawing large economic cuts and so resort to frequent personnel changes. The Prime Minister is as a selector of the team and he will evaluate the effect of each.

How realistic are the speculation that the SPS would get out from the government, and would be replaced by Tadic or Ceda Jovanovic?

Nor I will decide on these matters, nor will anyone consult me. For the first time since 2000 we have a clear situation that only one party, the SNS, can form a majority.

Whether religious extremism can wake up in Sandzak, after the terrorist attacks in France?

Serbia is one of the few countries where the Prime Minister on the same day sent a very clear message, warned of the danger and stood up for the minority Muslim population. And the Serbian Orthodox Church also said not to publish caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. I did not see anyone who reacted in a similar way so resolutely. This has largely prevented incidents.