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Kandic: Crimes in Kosovo are documented (Politika, Blic)

Natasa Kandic, Project Coordinator of the "Kosovo Memory Book", said in Pristina that the book documents the crimes in Kosovo, it is important to tell the truth, to shed light on the events, and the courts to be informed and to prosecute those responsible for the deaths of more than ten thousand people.

Kandic said that at the promotion of the "Kosovo Memory Book" in which is documented the death and disappearance of more than 10,000 Serbs, Albanians and non-Albanians and more than 3,000 members of the KLA, Serbian forces, KFOR.

"What we are doing is the strongest weapon against oblivion, lies, and crimes. One day, our efforts will be recognized and accepted. This, however, is not going to happen without a strong struggle to tell the truth," said Kandic.

During the presentation of the database from the "Kosovo Memory Book", which documents almost all the human losses during the war in Kosovo in 1998-2000, investigated by the Humanitarian Law Centre, Kandic said that it is most difficult to determine motive and reason for the murder, and bring the perpetrators to accept that they committed crimes.

Regarding the case of the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army, General Dikovic, Kandic said that in January 2012, the HLC in Serbia first published evidence that the 37 Motorised Brigade of the Yugoslav Army, which was active in the area of Glogovac/Gllogovc and Srbica/Skenderaj, killed 600 people for a short time, of which the majority were civilians.