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How Interpol is working in Kosovo (Politika)

The warrant was issued for Stojanovic at the request of the UNMIK mission in Kosovo. Interpol office in Kosovo operates within UNMIK.

UNMIK is the only authorized mission that has the ability to, through international cooperation, claim people and exchange information with the countries and organizations that do not recognize Kosovo as an independent state. In this context, UNMIK has the role of intermediary that forwards requests for warrants from EULEX mission, but also from the Kosovo Police.

Sources claim that UNMIK does not go too much into the details of the legal justification for calling the arrest warrant, but only technically forwards to Interpol requests of EULEX and Kosovo police.

When UNMIK, or any state member of Interpol, complete the necessary documentation, the very act of calling an international arrest warrant is measured in minutes, and warrant can be seen immediately in all the countries to which it relates.

Spatial validity of the Interpol warrant differs from case to case. Some apply only to neighbouring countries, some only for Europe, some for the whole world, but there are many other modalities.

Will it be acted by these international warrants of Interpol, it depends of member states solely and their competent authorities and principles of procedure of the General Secretariat of Interpol. The practice varies from case to case.

Issuance of warrants can be done in cases when the criminal proceedings was initiated, for example, when a decision is brought to conduct an investigation or indictment, then when the defendant is a fugitive, but also when there is a command to bring the defendant, that is, there is a Court decision on the detention.