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Latest proceedings in Kosovo can jeopardise Serbs' survival (Tanjug)

GRACANICA - Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic warned on Tuesday that the latest proceedings in Kosovo can jeopardise the survival of Serbs and added that the only solution lies in the constitution of the Community of Serb municipalities.

During a conference in Gracanica, Stojanovic talked about burning issues of the Sebs in Kosovo among which he has cited and dysfunctionality of the judiciary system in Kosovo. 

He underscored that not enough Serbs are deployed on key positions in the police and judiciary, especially the Prosecutor's Office.

Representative of the Serbian government Office for KiM, Zlata Radovanovic noted that the educational system needs to create the conditions for Serbs to have access to all levels of education, as well as incentives for employment in economy and agriculture.

Conference participants were addressed via Skype by former UNMIK regional administrator Gerard Galluci who underscored that Serbs can preserve their community, culture and history but only within the institutions whose establishment was subject of agreement of all relevant parties in the dialogue, including Belgrade.