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Brezovica between Serbian and Albanian interests (RTS/Blic)

Kosovo government inter-ministerial group decided to continue with the concession for the Ski-Center ‘Brezovica’ and to sign a contract with the French consortium “Brezovica Resort”. However, contract would not come into effect unless investor doesn’t provide bank guarantees and until final decision over certain issues is not confirmed by the local self-government in Štrpce/Shtërpcë.

The director of the Ski-Center ‘Brezovica’ Sladjan Nikolcevic said that a petition against the construction of the new ski resort was launched recently and the they’ve already gathered around two thousand signatures.

“People of Sirinic Zupa are against the construction of the ski center, and only person that can stop such a bad master plan is the Mayor Bratislav Nikolic,” said Nikolcevic.

Serb members of the inter-ministerial group also don’t agree with the master plan for reconstruction of the existing ski-center and they request that it is harmonized with the local self-government.

Minister of Local Government Administration and member of the inter-ministerial group, Ljubomir Maric, said that Serbian Government had invested all those years in the ski-center through the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, and that hotel was renovated and two ski-lifts were put in function, and that there is still an open issue about the destiny of buildings belonging to the ski-center ‘Brezovica’.

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic said to Blic that most questionable part of the project is the issue of employment. “We don’t have guarantees that this investment will be good for the Serbian community. The decision is in hands of the local self-government in Štrpce and the Mayor of the Municipality. The biggest responsibility lies with them, because they should look at all pros and coins,” said Stojanovic.

Decision brought by the inter-ministerial group over the ski-center ‘Brezovica’ will be discussed by the local councilors of Štrpce/Shtërpcë Municipality next week.
