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Serbs fear the escalation of the conflict (Blic)

Violence has overwhelmed the streets of northern Kosovska Mitrovica, and citizens fear that the situation will worsen. In six separate incidents since last Thursday, eight people were injured and one disappeared. Among the injured people are mostly the Serbs, but also Bosnians and Albanians.

A series of attacks began on the night between Thursday and Friday, when a group of Albanians crossed the bridge over the Ibar/Iber River and attacked three Serbian youths. Two of them managed to escape, but the third one was severely wounded and is now recovering in Mitrovica hospital.

This was followed by incidents in which were injured Albanians and then the fight in which were injured the students Bosnians, for which the authorities claim that it is "an isolated incident". Two nights ago in a shootout outside the cafe were wounded two Serbian boys, and unknown persons fired shots at the vehicle of the Kosovo Police.

Mayor Goran Rakic believes that the government in Pristina is accountable for the violence. “Pristina must condemn the attacks of the Albanians and find the perpetrators. It is necessary to reinforce police control on the bridge over the Ibar/Iber River,” warns Rakic.

Journalist Zeljko Tvrdišić from northern Mitrovica believes that the problem is because "the Police has lost control" and that members of the Civil Protection, after the announcement of the dissolution of the unit, are demoralized and practically do not work. “People are scared and hope that there will be no an escalation of violence in Kosovo, but things cannot be predicted,” said Tvrdišić.

Summary of happenings

• On Thursday, wounded Serb S.N. (17) in an attack near the bridge over the Ibar/Iber River. The attackers came from the southern part of the city

• On Friday, beaten three Albanians in the two incidents.

• On Friday injured two students Bosnians. On Saturday night disappeared young Albanian, it is believed that he have fallen into the Ibar/Iber River.

• On Sunday night in a shootout injured two young Serbs. The conflict has nothing to do with politics.

• Immediately after it the shots were fired at the vehicle of the Kosovo Police. Perpetrator, Serb male, arrested.
