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Citizens decide on preamble (Vecernje Novosti)

Even if the citizens of Serbia would decidein referendum to possibly change the preamble of the Constitution the territorial integrity of country would not be jeopardized, claim the members of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). However, they explained that change of the preamble is not a priority in the upcoming comprehensive reform of the political system.

Possibility for the referendum on the preamble, related to the status of Kosovo and Metohija within the Republic of Serbia, was also mentioned by the PM Aleksandar Vucic, in the interview given to the Wall Street Journal.

President of the Serbian Parliamentary council for K&M Milovan Drecun explains that preamble is not a guarantee for keeping Kosovo within the Serbia. “Important thing is to consider the status of the Community/Association of the Serb Municipalities by the Constitution and Constitutional Law. It is also important to constitutionally determine the status of Kosovo within Serbia, in accordance with the future final agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.Change of the preamble might happen if we reach historic agreement, but none of the solutions will violate internationally recognized borders of Serbia.”

The chief of the Socialists’ caucus in the Serbian Parliament, Dijana Vukomanovic, believes that topics related to the Constitution should be opened very carefully, while consulting the politicians and experts: “Transparent informing of the citizens about strategic interests of the state in these geopolitical circumstances is mandatory. Socialists are ready to talk and take over responsibilities for the challenges.”

Leader of the Socialist Democrat Party (SDS) Boris Tadic said that Brussels agreement made the preamble inappropriate, which should be taken into account within future constitutional changes.

Members of Democratic Party (DS) highlighted that change of the Constitution is a serious task and that ideas should not be presented partially. According to their opinion, it is important to discuss the solutions.

Possible change of the Constitutional preamble was sharply criticized by the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), Dveri movement and Drzavotvorni pokret (State movement). “Vucic sends the signal of the Serbian weakness and giving up with his rhetoric on change of the Constitution. At the same time with these statements he is encouraging the same Albanian armed groups to attack southeast of Serbia,after they attacked Kumanovo,” stated Dveri movement.

Recall, when Tomislav Nikolic, President of Serbia, gave the mandate to Aleksandar Vucic to form the government he said: “I am completely bound by the preamble, and by the two articles of the Constitution. Don’t expect from me to violate the Constitution, particularly when it comes to the part on Kosovo!”