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I do not expect an escalation (Danas)

Skender Destani, Leader of the Democratic Union of the Valley and the deputy mayor of Presevo

Prime Minister Vucic has no problem with anti-government opposition, which in my opinion is the problem of FYROM, and Nikola Gruevski, estimated in an interview with Danas, Skender Destani, President of the Democratic Union of the Valley and Deputy Mayor of Presevo.

* Did you have contacts with some of the Albanian politicians from Kosovo, Macedonia, or Tirana, as it was the case until recently, regarding the region of South Serbia?

- No. Because, all are silent. There is no voice nor from Skopje by Ali Ahmeti, nor from Pristina by Hashim Thaci, and politicians in Tirana are silent. I do not understand the silence, because it is a danger that threatens the whole region and the municipalities in southern Serbia, which are leaning to FYROM and Kosovo. I have the impression that the Macedonian Prime Minister is not interested in stability, just for the stability of his government. Where are the people here?

* In the area of ​​Bujanovac and Presevo, based on the decision of the Serbian authorities, was increased presence of members of the gendarmerie and the army. Attitude of Albanian political parties was always against "excessive militarization of the area."

- When something happens very flammable in your neighborhood, it is normal that you have to take measures to protect your territory. There is our stance against excessive presence of state security forces in the Presevo and Bujanovac, but in this situation it was extorted and justified move. I expect, in line with a rational policy of the Serbian Government that as the situation calms down and the number of members of the gendarmerie and the army to reduce to the optimum level. From Saturday, we in Presevo are under some pressure and fear, because people are afraid of these situations, and when I say this, I think of Albanians, Serbs and Roma who live here.

* Currently in Presevo are about three hundred Albanians from Kumanovo, who are placed with relatives and friends. The wave of refugees declines. When do you expect them to return to Kumanovo?

- It does not depend on us. No new refugees today. But information say that most of them have nowhere to return to Kumanovo because, as they say, their homes were completely destroyed in the clashes that took place over the weekend. In our cooperation with state authorities in Serbia, there is a willingness to give them all the necessary assistance until conditions are created for their return to Kumanovo. It is now certain that efforts are needed to rebuild destroyed houses and residential buildings. I expect now the FYROM authorities to work on it, because it is obvious that regional stability is kept just through the current events in the immediate neighborhood.