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Belgrade in the focus of attention of the summit in Vienna (Danas)

- The Serbian government expects of the European officials at the Summit on the Western Balkans, which is held on 27 August in Vienna, to disclose that joint projects of Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina have entered the European transport network, or that the European Union accepted these projects as priorities.

As for Danas announced Zorana Mihajlovic, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, Building and Infrastructure, at the Summit in Vienna, which is a continuation of the Berlin process, which was initiated last year by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will be communicated that all the corridors, roads and railways, which Serbia suggested along with other countries in the region, entered  into "the core transport network" - European transport network, or that the EU has accepted "our projects as a priority."

Asked whether this means that the EU will finance the construction of the road network which should connect Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister said that the EU will certainly finance the preparation of project documentation, and "then we'll see."

On the conclusion that from the Summit again cannot be expected anything concrete apart from the general agreement and plans, Zorana Mihajlovic says that's not the case.

"It's not so. The long work with the EU is very important and they will now in Vienna, disclose that they formed a "core transport network," because it was not there before. We are, therefore, with traffic in the EU, by these projects", says Deputy Prime Minister for our newspaper.

She also announced talks in connection with the formation of Union of Youth at the Summit in Vienna, for which are competent the cabinet of Prime Minister of Serbia and the Ministry of Sport.