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Ivanović: Fractions within the Serbian List consequence of personal ambitions (Kontakt Plus Radio)

The leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanović stated to Kontakt Plus Radio that fractions within the Serbian List can’t jeopardize ongoing processes, particularly the one referring to creation of the Association/Community of Serb municipalities.

“Fractions within the Serbian List are consequence of personal ambitions, those are individual ambitions that will, in no way, jeopardize creation of the Community,” said Ivanović, and added that people who are in position to make decisions have to understand that they have one state and one government that they have to be in absolute harmony with.

“Everyone has the right to be ambitious, however one should not put it in front of general interest. Appointments and depositions, should not destabilize the team that represents Serbs, because they have to give their 101 per cent in order to succeed and realize a very important task,” argues Ivanović.