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A relative of the late Oliver Ivanovic missing for three days (B92, Kontakt plus radio, N1, )

A taxi driver from northern Mitrovica, who went missing three days ago and is suspected to have been killed, is a relative of Oliver Ivanovic.

Ksenija Bozovic, now the leader of Ivanovic's party, CI SDP, confirmed for the Kosova Press agency that the missing taxi driver is a relative of Ivanovic.

Vucic and Ivanovic seek establishment of the Association (Klan Kosova)

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met today in Belgrade with the head of the Serb Civic Initiative (SDP) Oliver Ivanovic, to discuss the establishment of the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities, political situation in Kosovo, the future of Brussels dialogue and the procedure against Ivanovic initiated by Kosovo authorities during 2016.

Ivanović’s defense expect abolishment of the first degree decision (KIM Radio)

Oliver Ivanović, leader of the Civic Initiative SDP, is in the detention for 30 months now and still waiting for the decision following the appeal on the first degree decision, by which he was sentenced to nine years in prison for alleged war crimes committed during the conflict in Kosovo. His defense attorneys and family are not losing hope and still expect that the decision will be annulled by the Appellate Court.


Miserable attempts to discredit the CI SDP (Kontakt Plus Radio)

CI SDP released a statement that the founders of this party will remain in the SDP, stressing that the Assembly members from North Mitrovica and Zvečan/ Zveçan who left the party will not change the work and unity of the party. The statement also reads that Oliver Ivanović with few members, years ago, founded the SDP and that "whether in jail, or at home, he is the one that brings important decisions, together with closest leadership."

We will not return mandates (KIM Radio)

Local councilors who have left the Civic Initiative SDP in Mitrovica North and Zvečan/Zveçan and joined the ranks of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), communicated yesterday that their transfer is not directed against anyone, instead it is related with improving the living conditions of citizens. They also said that they will not return their mandates since they were elected by the citizens.

Milena Ivanović: I expect Oliver to be free soon (RTS)

Milena Ivanović, the wife of Oliver Ivanović, said to RTS that she hopes that Appellate Court will release Oliver Ivanović soon. We all rely on evidence and it is clear that this verdict is a political one, said Milena Ivanović.

“After 27 months in prison Oliver is fine, however this story is coming to an end and we expect him to be released soon,” said  Ivanović, and added that she expects the Appellate Court to review the appeal as soon as possible.


Ivanovic’s defense lawyers appeal the decision of the Basic Court (KIM Radio)

Oliver Ivanovic’s defense team today appealed the decision of the Basic Court of Mitrovica, by which he was sentenced to nine years imprisonment, communicated Ivanovic’s party Civic Initiative SDP.

“We expect the panel of the Appellate Court in Pristina to convene as soon as possible, with regard to this case, and change this shameful judgment and finally end this politically motivated process that is led against our leader third year in a row,” reads the CI SDP communique.
