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Some concerned, some are waiting billing due to Agreement in Brussels (Danas)

The political representatives of the Kosovo Serbs, not counting officials of the ruling coalition in Serbia, say that no one in the field was too surprised by what is happening now in connection with the Brussels dialogue and European integration.

- Only representatives of the authorities in Belgrade and Serbian representatives in the Kosovo government are surprised. Serbs north and south of the Ibar who are in suspense since the beginning of the Kosovo story, clearly see their destiny, they are just waiting the government in Belgrade to tell them that - says for Danas Randjel Nojkic, the SPO official from Kosovo.

Nojkic has noted that Belgrade was deaf for the suggestion and advice that Serbs from Kosovo, who know the issues, circumstances and laws in Kosovo, should go to the negotiations, and not that "people lead the technical negotiations in Brussels, who knew nothing about it, and who accepted all offers, instead of proposing their own rational solutions, favourable to the Serbs, and which the international community could not refuse." As an example, Nojkic cited the August agreement on telecommunications which does not mention what would happen with base stations of Telekom south of the Ibar/Iber, although the issue was supposed to be resolved last year till the 31 December.

- The authorities in Belgrade won the last elections with politics, "and KiM and the EU." If they must choose, they will elect the EU, which is why they need a new mandate - considered Randjel Nojkic.

Zvonimir Stevic, SPS MP from Kosovo, said to Danas that "Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are accustomed to this situation - the pressure and blackmail."

- The authorities and the Government, I am convinced, will not give up Kosovo and Metohija or the local Serbs. Ahead of us the wisdom and pragmatism, we have the power to create a national consensus - Stevic is categorical.

Unlike Stevic, a member of the Presidency of the Assembly of Kosovo and Metohija Radenko Nedeljkovic says that in the field "even supporters of the regime of Aleksandar Vucic are disappointed, who want to preserve local positions" and that "people see destructive policy that is lead." What is happening now with chapter 35, Nedeljkovic calls it "delivery of bills from the Brussels Agreement." He believes that the government will not dare to call a referendum and he proposes Belgrade to suspend the negotiation process with the EU.

- All international analysts who cover the integration of Serbs into Kosovo institutions estimate that part of the Serbs will leave Kosovo due to this non-transparent process. The institutions of Serbia that remained after 1999 have been respected by the international community and Kosovo Albanians, and Serbs who are now elected for the Kosovo institutions, none of them is considered a factor because they have no intellectual power or political ideas. By removing all, who have worked on the stabilization and survival of Serbs in Kosovo, Aleksandar Vulin did, while he was the head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, everything what the Albanians didn't for more than ten years - told Rada Trajkovic from the European Movement of Serbs in Kosovo and former member of Kosovo Parliament.