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Selimi: Kosovo gave written guarantees that it will not change the name of SPC property (Blic)

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, Petrit Selimi said that Kosovo officials have given UNESCO written guarantees that they will not change the name of the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), which is a constitutional category in Kosovo Constitution. “Naming of the monuments on the UNESCO list will change only in consultation with officials of the Serbian Orthodox Church,” said Selimi in an interview given to the daily Danas.

Selimi said that many countries welcomed these written guarantees, highlighting that Kosovo has no problem with churches and mosques, since it is a progressive secular country. “We expect that the majority of states will support Kosovo's entry into UNESCO. Serbia is leading very negative campaign, calling Kosovo citizens barbarians and sending deeply disturbing messages, but I cannot believe that more than 20 countries will vote against Kosovo,” said Selimi.

According to him, many ambassadors are dissatisfied with the negative approach of Serbia. “The tactic of Serbia against Kosovo membership has destroyed the good will created in Brussels. What will happen tomorrow when Kosovo apply for membership in the Council of Europe or other international organizations? Will Serbia have a rage attack and wave of extreme nationalism whenever Kosovo is seeking to break through the isolation,” asked Selimi.

He said that a possible recommendation of the Executive Council would be "a clear signal that UNESCO does not want to isolate Kosovo stressing that he believes that only inclusion of Kosovo could strengthen peace in the Balkans ".

Selimi said that although Pristina copied Palestinian model for membership in UNESCO, will not wait for it another 22 years. “Kosovo has no similarities with the Palestinian territories, because those are different contexts, history and arguments - as if we would compare apples and oranges,” he said.