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Serbia and Kosovo to redouble efforts in the dialogue (Blic)

Serbia and Kosovo must now redouble their efforts in the dialogue in order to reach new agreements, says for Blic, British Minister for Europe David Lidington.

In an interview for Blic, Lidington points out that at present is crucial to continue the Brussels dialogue, regardless of all the problems.

Does the disagreement between Britain and Serbia regarding Kosovo's entry into UNESCO and the resolution on Srebrenica in the UN Security Council can leave some impact on the relations between the two countries?

- I think that relations are currently good. Nobody in Serbia is surprised that we support the statehood of Kosovo and its membership in regional and international organizations. We support the progress achieved to date in the dialogue, but we want to see both Serbia and Kosovo to redouble their efforts to further agreements. EU enlargement carries the presumption that both Serbia and Kosovo find a way, at the end, to live side by side.

Whether Serbia will have to recognize the independence of Kosovo, at the end of this road?

- It is not up to Britain to impose itself in relations between Belgrade and Pristina, so it tells how to regulate them. However, in the opening of the EU accession process is recorded that relations with neighbours should be good. That is why Serbia should have them with everyone, including Kosovo.

Whether by the end of the year the first chapters of Serbia with the EU will be opened?

- I cannot predict the exact date, I believe that chapter 35 (Kosovo) is near to the completion.