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Tough life conditions of Serbs in Metohija (TV Most, TV Puls)

Life of Serbs in Metohija could be described as unimaginable for the 21st century. They live isolated, in fear and without freedom of movement, however they struggle to survive there, and there are those who decided to return and start new life on their land.

“There are only seven Serbs living in Istok. Children have no one to play with, would be easier if there would be more of us here. Hence, it is not bad, life must go one,” says Aleksandar Sekulic to TV Puls.

With the assistance of the Kosovo Ministry for Communities and Return some have returned and they hope that more people will return. Minister for Communities and Return in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic recently addressed the security concerns in that municipality with the Mayor of Istok/Istog Haki Rugova, and they agreed that security level has to be raised at higher level and this will be addressed in the coming period.
