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Ivanović goes a month without written judgment (TV Most)

The President of the Municipal Assembly of North Mitrovica and deputy leader of the SDP Oliver Ivanovic Civic Initiative, Ksenija Bozovic, stated that the written judgment has not been received by Oliver Ivanovic’s defense lawyers even a month after he was sentenced by the Basic Court of Mitrovica, making it possible for them to appeal the decision.

“Lawyers are preparing the appeal on a daily basis, however they can do nothing further until the written decision has been received. A decision which has so far only been read to Oliver Ivanovic,” said Bozovic to TV Mir.

Bozovic also said that the Brussels agreement on judiciary, which implies integration of Serbian judges and prosecutors in Kosovo judiciary, could have a positive impact for a just outcome of Ivanovic’s case, but that its implementation is being carried out at a very slow pace.
