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Hedvig Morvai: EU is risking its future by closing borders (Danas)

We are currently witnessing the growth of right-wing populism and development of nationalist tendencies all over the EU, in which countries instead of united appear as distant from each other, says in an interview for Danas Hedvig Morvai, Executive Director of the European Fund for the Balkans, answering to the question whether the Western Balkans and the EU are able to cope with challenges relating to migrant crisis. Morvai, whose organization has recently received the award "Champion of regional cooperation", states that the EU is "risking its future by closing borders, but unfortunately it seems that there is still no alternative plan for addressing migrant issues on which EU members can agree."

How do you assess the current relations between Belgrade and Pristina? Is there the hope of some kind of normalization and implementation of previous agreements? 

Of course there is a hope that once the relations between Belgrade and Pristina will be normalized, but there are key prerequisites such as EU supervision over these negotiations and clear US support for the achieved agreements. In addition it is necessary to suspend the abuse of the negotiating process for the internal political purposes. I still do not understand the baseness of the use of some agreements reached in Brussels after which the participants of the negotiations publish "victory of 5: 0" or "humiliating the opponent." That is not correct and also dangerous, because they don’t create the atmosphere for further talks and stabilization of relations, and with this they only induce the extreme part of their people on the violence.