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Kosovo needs a unit for inter-ethnic incidents (TV Most, RTS)

The Kosovo Government should establish special investigative units within the police to deal with ethnically motivated attacks in Kosovo, assessed the research conducted by the Non-Governmental Organizations Centre for Peace and Tolerance and Aktiv.

One could have a similar structure as a unit for the preservation of Serbian cultural heritage, it is suggested in the analysis "Potential ethnically motivated incidents in Kosovo - ugly Story Never Told", that was presented yesterday in Pristina.

It estimates also that a significant number of members of minority communities who work in the Kosovo Police should be involved in the work of this unit, reports RTS.

The analysis state that interethnic incidents in Kosovo are registered by all the security organizations, but that there is very little solved cases.

Vulnerable groups that were attacked often do not report attacks, because they distrust the police and prosecution.

The analysis points out that hate crimes in Kosovo have a special weight, because its actors are sending a message not only to the individual, but to the entire group that they are not equal citizens of society.

It was stressed at the conference that the number of registered inter-ethnic incidents is much smaller in the Kosovo Police than in international organizations in Kosovo, such as the OSCE, UNMIK and the EU.

The presentation of the report was attended by the Vice President of the Kosovo Government Branimir Stojanović, who assessed that the presence of fear affects the Serbian community to leave Kosovo.

"The Serbs are now endangered, Serbs are disappearing from Kosovo, and this is not just a Serbian problem. This leaves the hatred that survives and the possibility to do evil," said Stojanović, reports RTS.