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Mirčić: Pressure on Serbia to recognize Kosovo (RTS, RTV)

The vice-president of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS), Milorad Mirčić, today said that radicals fear for Serbia’s future because of the growing pressure on Belgrade to recognize Kosovo as soon as possible, distant itself from the Republic of Srpska and amend its Constitution.

“The fear is bigger in the eve of the announced visit of the US vice-president Joseph Biden, and whenever Biden visits Serbia it is conditioned with giving up some parts of our territory,” said Mirčić to journalists in the Serbian Assembly.

He assessed that Biden “will additionally twist hands of the incumbent government of Serbia” and that Kosovo and Metohija will be in the focus of his visit. “Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija have already named one of the traffic roads after Biden’s son who passed away,” said Mirčić, and added that pressure will be exerted on Serbia to accept Kosovo’s membership in the UN, what is strongly opposed by radicals. He went on to say that radicals, as an opposition party, will support the incumbent government in resisting to pressure coming from the West.
