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Bajrami: Brussels didn't make effort to clarify things (N1, FoNet)

In Pristina there are more perspectives on the current policy of the Government of Serbia, but the common is "huge suspicion that something essential has changed," says the Chief Editor of the daily Koha Ditore, Agron Bajrami.

In an interview with the FoNet agency, Bajrami explains that there is a belief in Pristina that the Serbian government has continuity in policy towards Kosovo as well as the governments before, because it refuses to recognize Kosovo's independence.

Bajrami says that there was some success despite difficulties and delays in the fulfilment of the provisions of the Brussels agreement, such as facilitating freedom of movement, "but it is only an illusion of normalization of relations."

He believes that Serbia behaves "as if Kosovo does not exist the way it is" and indicates that the both sides are responsible for the problems in the implementation of the Brussels agreement but it is and the EU’s responsibility, too.

From the start it was clear that the EU, as an intermediary, has allowed both sides to interpret what they are signing the way they wanted. And Brussels did not interfere in order to explain or clarify, said Bajrami.

Asked about the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), Bajrami says that it could be formed if in Kosovo a consensus exists that this is a solution that will enable Kosovo to function better.

However, there is great fear in Kosovo, for which Bajrami believes that it is not without merit, that the ZSO in the future can turn into a kind of Republika Srpska.

"When we see Bosnia and Herzegovina, then we understand why people do not want something like that to happen. I think that the Brussels agreement does not clarify these problems," said Bajrami and predicts that the ZSO will not be formed as long as these uncertainties are not clarified.

When asked about the International Court for war crimes in Kosovo, Bajrami says that it was formed on the basis of a report by Dick Marty, in which "are the names and cases that could appear before the court."

The Court, by the judgment of Bajrami, achieved negative effect among Albanians, as if it was made just for them "as if only the Albanians committed the crimes, which is not true, because the truth is much, much different."