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Arrest warrant for Thaci is valid here - justice minister (B92)

The arrest warrant issued for Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is still valid in Serbia, "as the procedure against him is ongoing," says the justice minister.

"There has already been a final ruling in the process against Thaci, for the crime of terrorism," Nela Kuburovic said on Wednesday, and added:

"After that, the indictment was expanded to include the crime of genocide, and the warrant is still in force in Serbia, unlike in the countries where Interpol halted the warrant, so it's invisible in its system."

Speaking for RTV, she said that the recent arrest of Ramush Haradinaj - another former leader of the KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") - in France on a Serbian war crimes warrant "cannot bring into question the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue."

The reason, Kuburovic said, is that this warrant was issued on 2005.

"That was known during the negotiations, while Serbia was not conditioned with withdrawing the warrant," she said.