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Marić and Tanin: Preservation of stability and prevention of incidents (Kontakt plus radio)

Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Marić and Head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin agreed today that it was important to preserve peace at any price in Kosovo and to prevent any inter-ethnic incidents.

Marić and Tanin, met today at the Bureau of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija in North Mitrovica.

Marić thanked Tanin on the consistent work of UNMIK within the framework of the mandate defined by Resolution 1244 of the Security Council and efforts in solving problems in Kosovo in a status neutral manner, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced.

Regular reports by UNMIK to the UN Secretary General, according to Marić, have an irreplaceable importance in the process of informing the world public about the problems of the Serbian people and the non-Albanian communities in Kosovo.

Marić and Tanin spoke about the latest threats to the Serbian people in Kosovo that are arriving from circles close to Ramush Haradinaj, and was noted that it was important to preserve stability at any price on the ground and prevent any inter-ethnic incidents, the statement said.

The two officials assessed the Brussels dialogue as the most reliable mean of peaceful settlement of disputes.

Marić has stated that lately Pristina clearly show reduced interest in this form of communication, which, according to him, can have serious and far-reaching negative consequences, the Office statement said.