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Marić and Tanin: Preservation of stability and prevention of incidents (Kontakt plus radio)

Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Marić and Head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin agreed today that it was important to preserve peace at any price in Kosovo and to prevent any inter-ethnic incidents.

Marić and Tanin, met today at the Bureau of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija in North Mitrovica.

Ljubomir Marić with Zahir Tanin tomorrow (Kontakt plus radio, TV Most)

Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Marić will meet tomorrow the Head of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Zahir Tanin.

The statement of the Office for KiM says that there will be a press release after the meeting.


Marić: Drafting of the Statute of the ZSO within the competence of the Management Team (TV Most)

Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Marić says that that drafting of the Statute of the Community/Association of the Serb municipalities is entirely the responsibility of the Management Team, and representatives of the Serbian people in Kosovo, as well as that all the announcements of Albanian officials in Pristina on this occasion can only be the result of ignorance or deliberate attempt to mislead the public and further avoidance of the formation of the ZSO.

Gecaj: Mirjana Jevtić officially still the minister (RTK2)

Deputy Minister for Local Government Bajram Gecaj told RTK2 that Mirjana Jevtić continues to be the Head of the Ministry of Local Self-Government of Kosovo.

"There is a decision of the Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, on the appointment of Minister Jevtić, but not the decision on dismissal," said the deputy minister.

He also says that as long as the boycott of Serb representatives lasts, the Community/Associations of Serb municipalities cannot be discussed.

Serb representatives decide to boycott Minister Jevtic (Klan Kosova)

Representatives of ten predominantly Serb municipalities decided in Zvecan today not to recognise the newly appointed Mirjana Jevtic as Minister of Local Government and Administration ruling out any type of cooperation with her. In a meeting, the mayors of Zvecan, Mitrovica North, Zubin Potok, Gracanica, Partes, Ranilug, Klokot, Partes and Novoberdo unanimously decided to cut off any contact with members of the Socialist Party which they blame for causing rift among Kosovo Serbs.

Đurić: Jevtić to reject position of the minister (Večernje Novosti)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija urges political representatives of the Serbs to revoke the decision, who on behalf of the Serbian nation have participated together with Thaçi and Mustafa in dismissal of the legitimate Serbian representative because of very little authority and at a time when the Serbian ministers and officials froze their participation in provincial institutions.

Đurić said this to Večernje Novosti daily on Sunday.

To identify all the uncertainties around sacking of the Serb minister in Kosovo (Danas)

Minister of Administration and Local Self-Government in Kosovo Ljubomir Marić was dismissed by the decision of Isa Mustafa, on a proposal from representatives of the Serbian List, say sources close to the Pristina authorities, reports portal

On the other hand, the authorities in Belgrade say Ljubomir Marić was dismissed against the wishes of Serbian representative in Kosovo.

PM Mustafa dismisses Minister Maric (Koha)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, has dismissed Ljubomir Maric from the post of Minister of Local Government and Administration and replaced him with Mirjana Jevtic who until now was Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Welfare. “The decisions have been taken following proposals and consultations of the Serbian List representatives at the Assembly of Kosovo,” reads a press release issued by Mustafa’s office.

Serb representatives with the delegation of Hungary (RTK2)

Serb representatives in the Kosovo institutions, Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanović, Minister for Local Government Ljubomir Maric and Director of the Office of Community Affairs Ivan Tomić met the Foreign Minister of Hungary Péter Szijjártó and the Hungarian Ambassador László Márkusz.  and informed about the political situation in Kosovo.

Serbs in Suvi Do/Suhodoll worried about the demarcation (KIM radio)

Demarcation between the northern and southern part of Mitrovica has not been precisely defined because of which worry 70 Serbian households in the village Suvi Do/Suhodoll.

Their houses, as they say, could belong to the cadastre of the municipality southern Mitrovica.

For the mayor of South Mitrovica Agim Bahtiri question of delimitation of Mitrovica is a "done deal" because, as he says, this was resolved by the Ahtisaari plan.