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Đurić held an emergency meeting with representatives of EULEX (TV Most)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić held an emergency meeting in Belgrade today with senior representatives of EULEX regarding the more frequent attacks on Serbs and open threats of violence that arrive from extreme political and religious circles in the province, stated the Office for KiM.

Đurić has asked the international representatives to take concrete measures to prevent endangering the safety of people and property and prevent further deterioration of the security situation in Kosovo, the statement said.

The last series of attacks on the citizens of Serbian nationality in Kosovo, according to Đurić's words, have caused great concern and anxiety of the Serbian people in the province.

Đurić said that it is necessary to make serious efforts on the ground in order to prevent instigators and organizers of these attacks to seriously disable and permanently disrupt the security situation in Kosovo, and so jeopardize all that has been achieved in the process of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija today had a telephone conversation with Angelina Eichhorst, European External Action Service Director for Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey about the current security situation in Kosovo and the prospects of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Đurić stressed during the conversation the key importance of the implementation of the agreements reached on the formation of the Community/Association of Serb municipalities for the continuation of the process of dialogue and normalization of relations, the statement said at the end.