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Thaci: Historic agreement on reconciliation by “recognizing reality” (Tanjug, B92, Kontakt Plus Radio)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci in an interview to Tanjug stated he believes a historic agreement on normalization of relations and reconciliation between Kosovo and Serbia would soon happen, and its aim it to “recognize reality.”

“This may be popular neither for me, nor for the President Vucic, but it would be good for Kosovo and Serbia. We are lucky to pay a political price for the sake of a better future for the forthcoming generations,” Thaci went on saying.

Asked what is the base of such an optimism that the dialogue would be brought to an end, given that Pristina is prolonging what was agreed for the five years already, and that many disputable issues between Belgrade and Pristina are not even on the list of the Brussels dialogue, Thaci responded that only a few agreements were left that should be concluded, but huge number was achieved and most of them implemented. So this is a base for the historic agreement he expects.

“It is very important that we have agreed this dialogue to become more active, more dynamic, with more results and within limited time and political frames,” he said.

Thaci also said that “he is aware Serbia cannot recognize Kosovo in the next few days, months or years, but what matters is that Kosovo would become a member of all international organizations,” adding that Serbia cannot become a member of the EU family is it does not get free from the Kosovo burden.

Answering to Tanjug assessment it is in fact Pristina, negotiating with hesitation and avoiding to implement what has been agreed in Brussels, showing that the European integrations are not its priority and impression is clear that Pristina cares more how not to establish the Community of the Serb Municipality than about the visa liberalization for its citizens, Thaci denied such impressions.

He claims the Community of the Serb Municipalities “would be established in the future, in line with the Constitution, Kosovo laws and Brussels agreement.”

Following Tanjug’s persistence to say precisely when the Community of the Serb Municipalities should be established, Thaci replied it would happen as soon as the new Kosovo Government is formed and he will personally insist on it.

Asked if the dialogue in Brussels would continue at the level of presidents, having in mind that candidates for the Kosovo Prime Minister disagree with that, claiming revision of the dialogue is needed, Thaci replied that the EU chose such level of talks.

He also said there are many disagreements between him and President Vucic, but they speak over the phone, in order not to surprise each other with events, such as “train case or wall case.”

He also invited Aleksandar Vucic to visit Pristina at the time of his convenience, adding he is ready to go to Belgrade, but an invitation is missing.

Thaci avoided to comment concretely on the expectations of the public in Serbia that the case of his responsibility would be among the first cases at the Special War Crimes Court, saying that he sees “establishment of such a court as an advantage to put an end to prejudices, and politicians should not interfere in the matters related to justice.”

At the same time, he went on saying that Pristina would watch how Belgrade and the international community would act against dozens of war criminals who committed crimes in Kosovo and are still free.

Asked if an argument “will of majority” that served as a basis for Kosovo secession, could be implemented, for example, in the north of Kosovo, Thaci responded that mono-ethnic states cannot be built in the Balkans, there will be no division of the territory of Kosovo, no change of borders or exchange of territories, because it can end with chain reactions that would end with new crises and new wars in the Balkans.