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"Bring W. Balkans into EU to keep Turkey and Russia at bay" (B92)

Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz has called on the EU "to bring the Balkans into its orbit."

In an interview for Germany's Handelsblatt, quoted by Tanjug, Kurz "warned of the growing influence of Turkey and Saudi Arabia."

"In Sarajevo and Pristina, for example, women are paid to wear the full veil in public. We cannot look on and do nothing," the Austrian minister said.

Kurz then "demanded an acceleration of the integration of the region with the EU" in order to keep "Turkey and Russia" at bay.

Although currently shaken by Brext, the migrant crisis, and terrorism, the EU must not lose sight of the Western Balkans, Kurz argued.

He then described the region as having "young states" where tensions are once again growing between various countries and peoples.

"We must continue to play an active role in this crucial region. We must support reforms and the fight against radicalization, and offer a credible EU perspective," Kurz stressed.

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