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Uncertain implementation of the Agreement on the integration of judiciary (Kontakt plus radio)

Judge of the Basic Court in North Mitrovica Jelena Krivokapić participated in a conference that is part of the project “Consequences of postponing the integration of the judiciary - the situation and perspectives” that was held in the Civic Energy Centre in North Mitrovica on Tuesday.

On that occasion, Krivokapić said that the integrated judiciary will not begin to function on October 17, but that the time could be used for the resolution of the issue of the status of the Serbian judges and prosecutors, and she reminded that earlier it was said that this issue would be regulated by the law and the Decree of the Government of Serbia, but that it was not done so far.

She said that she understood from the conversations with her colleagues that none of them would risk their employment and legal status if this would not be supported by a valid document. “In less than a months, appointments and swearing in, should take place, and those are the issues that need to be solved before taking office, something that can be done by October 17” she said.

“I do not expect the judges to start work on October 17, but I think that by that time, they need to solve these issues that I have mentioned” Krivokapić said.

At the same event, Chief Prosecutor of the Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Mitrovica with temporary seat in Vučitrn/Vushtrri, Shyqri Syla pointed out that the Kosovo Prosecutor’s Office was fully prepared and could begin to work on October 17.

Syla said that once the integrated justice system is implemented, it would first work on solving the old cases, which, according to him there are about 10,000 of them. Syla added that the prosecution has sufficient resources, noting that much depends on the political will.