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US administration "denied Thaci's and Haradinaj's claims" (Tanjug)

Pristina's claim that possible future US involvement in dialogue with Belgrade is a proposal coming from the official US administration is "incorrect," Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who in Washington, told Voice of America, Tanjug reports today.

"The things that Thaci and Haradinaj are saying have been denied by the US administration. They even told (EU foreign policy chief) Federica Mogherini that they were not standing behind (Pristina's) statements," Dacic said.

He added that US officials said they were "not running away from it - but this should be a matter of consensus and a question of a joint proposal."

"The (UN) General Assembly transferred Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to the European level, and any new change of format would imply a new discussion about it, and certainly Serbia would have to propose some other non-EU members," Dacic said.

Asked whom Serbia would invite, he replied: "Someone who would be on our side."

Dacic added that during his talks with US officials, he insisted on finding "a minimum common interest" rather than "creating an image of the US and other Western countries having interests that are contrary to Serbia's."

"Also, the role of other Western countries would be not to pressure Serbia to recognize Kosovo, but to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution that would respect the interests of both the Serbs and the Albanians in Kosovo," Dacic concluded.