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Vulin: We must not allow reduction of UNMIK (KiM Radio)

Serbian Minister of Defense, thinks that one of the biggest mistakes of the Serbian diplomacy was made during times when Boris Tadic and Vuk Jeremic were in power, by bringing in EULEX and removing UNMIK from Kosovo, KiM Radio reported.

“This had to be done with the consent of Serbia, and Serbia due to only its and those people who were in power known reasons did it,” Vulin said.

He added, Serbia must not allow any reduction of UNMIK, as “while UNMIK in Kosovo, no matter how much weaker than prior to EULEX arrival, it means 1244 is active, and this Resolution says Kosovo is a territory under temporary UN administration.”

“Therefore status is not resolved and as long as it remains as such there is a hope and we have something to strive for. If we would do now what Tadic and Jeremic did, and accept to remove fully UN from Kosovo and Metohija, then there would be no hope,” Vulin said, KIM Radio reported.