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Russia opposes the creation of army in Kosovo (B92, Serbian media)

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Thursday criticized the idea to create an army in Kosovo.

"The creation of armed forces of Kosovo - a structure that has never in any way approached a state structure - is making the situation even more tense," Zakharova said at a regular press conference, commenting on the statements made this week by US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Wess Mitchell.

Mitchell said that Kosovo "has the right to form professional forces that will deal with security" and that this would "not be a threat to Serbia and Serbs."

Zakharova said that "an additional factor of instability on the European continent" was the manner in which "the structure of Kosovo" was created, the goals that were set during Kosovo's separation from the territory of a sovereign state, and the manner in which this was pushed by the media and politically.

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