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Serbian Ministry of Defence "pleased Pentagon doesn't share US general's position" (B92)

We are pleased it has been clarified that General Scaparrotti's recent statements about Serbia and the Serb nation "are not the stance of the Pentagon."

The Serbian Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on its website.

The announcement came after the US Department of Defence said on Thursday it was "misinformation" that prompted Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin to criticize US Europe Commander Curtis Scaparrotti.

Media reported earlier that Scaparrotti, during his testimony before the US Senate Armed Services Committee, expressed deep concern that the lack of diplomatic activity contributed to the spread of the Russian influence in the Balkans, and when asked which country was biggest problem, he had answered - Serbia.

Vulin quickly reacted and strongly criticized Scaparrotti, saying that the US general had accused Serbia of being a danger to the Balkans.

Vulin also said that there had not been "a more serious, irresponsible, and more dangerous statement" since 1999 - apparently a reference to NATO's attack on Serbia that year, B92 reported.

The Serbian MoD said that for the sake of objectively informing the public, and in order to prevent various interpretations, it published a part of the video of the testimony, as well as a part of the transcript in English and translation into Serbian.

The press release, transcripts and videos are available on the Ministry of Defence website: