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Djuric: They dragged me like dog, but they will not humiliate us (B92)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric said that “Albanian separatists attempted on Monday to brutally, with violence and terror take over the north of Kosovo,” B92 reported.

Djuric who addressed the public, first time since his arrest, said he is proud of the Serbian people, who defended him with Gandhi’s methods.

“For me they are not police officers, it is a barbaric terrorist gang. They sent them against barehanded and unarmed people. It is a disgrace for both, them and those who remained silent thus consenting to it,” Djuric said.

“Yesterday, Albanian separatists in Pristina, with obvious and unequivocal support of those who have recognized unilateral recognition of Kosovo and Metohija independance, in a brutal and violent manner attacked our people in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica with a clear goal to occupy and take over the north of Kosovo and Metohija with violence, terror, intimidation and heavily armed phalange,” Djuric said at the press conference, following the meeting with Serb representatives from Kosovo.

He added, he is proud of the citizens in Mitrovica North who “barehanded, in a peaceful and dignified Gandhi’s manner opposed and did not give up on the struggle for their homes and doorsteps.”

“It is important that our and international public be informed on what had exactly happened,” Djuric said, adding that “yesterday’s meeting on how to peacefully reach compromise was scheduled in line with all reached agreements and that everybody in Kosovo was notified, therefore it is a sheer lie they were not timely informed.”

He reminded that an announcement from Serbia was sent 70 hours prior to the announced gathering and it was repeated several times. “I am saying this to point out the proportions of their lies,” Djuric added.

Djuric said that members of the Kosovo police were not officials, but “armed phalange” emphasizing that they “dragged him as a dog,” were pulling his tie down and walked him on the street like that, trying to humiliate him, as well as Serbia and Serbian people.

“They put me in one of the vehicles, they kicked me. In addition to kicks, they pushed my head down to my knees and were making selfies. They hold Kalashnikov placed against my stomach trying to intimidate me. One pulled out a knife. On the way to Pristina they were chanting “Allahu Akbar,” Djuric said.

According to him, when they took him out of the vehicle, they took him to Pristina streets and then placed him in a basement. “If there was not a call from Belgrade, the violence in Mitrovica and terror against Serbs would continue and I would remain in Pristina. But thanks God it ended with that.”

He said he is proud of Serbs, brave men and women, who did not and will not bow down. Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija and Serbia would continue to struggle for their historic right, B92 reported.

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