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“After full independence of Kosovo, new geopolitical issue to follow” (Danas)

Opponents of Kosovo independence think that even in a case of reaching a legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on full recognition of Kosovo, very soon a new geopolitical problem would arise, Danas daily reports today.

Associate of Institute for International Policy and Commerce, Dusan Prorokovic thinks that Serbia under no conditions must allow accession of Kosovo to the UN, as it would jeopardize its geopolitical position and open numerous issues.

“If they are admitted on Monday, on Tuesday they would file a lawsuit to the International Court of Justice over genocide, on Wednesday they would apply for NATO membership, on Thursday they would be admitted to NATO, on Friday they would instrumentalize Bujanovac and Presevo issues through NATO structures,” Prorokovic claims, adding that in that case Serbia would have a problem not only with Pristina authorities but with entire NATO.

Alexis Troude, Professor at the Versailles University and Director of the Balkans Study Department at International Academy of Geopolitics in Paris said that Serbia cannot permanently be between the two worlds, referring to East and West.

He thinks, that Serbia unfortunately cannot choose West at the moment, as according to him, a small war is waged in Kosovo at the moment. Serbian Government should maintain its stance, adding that the government should reach a compromise step by step, emphasising language issue and integrity of the territory.

Gordon Bardos from Harriman Institute, at Columbia University in New York pointed out that USA intervened in Kosovo, despite that crimes at that time were more serious in some other hotspots, mentioning examples in Turkey and Iraq against Kurds.

Meanwhile, political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic told Danas daily that fall of Kosovo Government could cause a paralysis of the system there. He supports the decision of Serbs to independently establish the Association of the Serb Municipalities, which would function independently from the Kosovo governing system.

Asked what the stance of the international community could be in that regard, Andjelkovic responded that vast part of it, played out Serbia by allowing disrespect of the Brussels agreement for years and by giving NATO guarantees that Kosovo special forces will not enter the North of Kosovo, however it was annulled on Monday, March 26.

He went on saying that what happened to Marko Djuric has annulled the Brussels talks. He added, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would first wait to see if everything would get back to the talks and if it does not happen, then he would present his proposal on Kosovo.