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Vucic: Kosovo solution will spell my "end in politics" (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says he is not ready to hand over Kosovo "for nothing".

Vucic said that he "knows that whatever the solution may be, this will be his end in politics, because Serbs will never forgive him for their better future."

"Serbs are such. Serbs will never forgive me their better future and peace. So in Serbia, only defeats and wars are celebrated," Vucic said in wide-ranging interview for the Belgrade-based tabloid Kurir.

Asked why he thinks so, the president said that "it will be so" - "because he knows Serbs."

"Here already, for the third time, I say that I am a man who showed that he knows best the Serbs. I do not think anyone showed it like me. And whom have we celebrated that gave us and preserved peace? And whom have we celebrated who gave us museums, theaters... " he asked.

On Vidovdan, June 28th, he announced, he would open the National Museum, among other things, and again asked "whom we have respected."

"No, we only respected those who were soldiers and no one else. I am absolutely sure that for any decision on Kosovo I will not have the understanding of the majority support of our people, but I am sure that there will be a different consideration of it in the future and a different consideration through history - of my role and what could have been and should have been done. And if you think I'm ready to say tomorrow: 'Here's an Kosovo for you for nothing,' I'm not ready," Vucic said.

He said he hopes for a s olution for Kosovo, "but previously wants to see what Serbia can get both territorially and in terms of everything else."

However, he assesses the overall situation as "very difficultW and points out that Serbia is in "a terribly difficult situation."

"When we get an offer from the world that will be a nuance better than before, it will be a success. And we will continue to be unhappy. Because Kosovo everyone carries in their heart," says Vucic.

He points out "the need to be realistic and see how much we have contributed to our defeats."

"And we must understand this well and understand that they will not be happy with any solution. Even with the best possible solution we can dream about, we will be unhappy because we are unrealistic and because we did not teach our people to understand in what position we received got Serbia," Vucic said.

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