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Commission could investigate Kosovo murders of journalists (B92, UNS)

Jan Braathu, Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo, interviewed by the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS).

"The Specialist Chambers (Kosovo War Crimes Court) has a specific mandate and I am not sure to what extent it will look at cases of kidnapped and murdered journalists. These cases were supposed to be investigated by international prosecutors and judges who led the rule of law in Kosovo for years, and I don’t have an answer to the question why this was not done. Our mission takes seriously the matter of safety of journalists and therefore we are considering the possibility of setting up the commission that would investigate these cases. This is all in the initial phase, but it is of vital importance that we have the political support of Kosovo authorities for this work, primarily the President" says Jan Braathu, the Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo in an interview for the Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) at the same time thanking this organization on its persistent and dedicated investigative work on this topic.

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