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3 countries from Pristina's list "never recognized Kosovo" (B92, RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in New York that representatives of Oman and Uganda said their countries had never recognized Kosovo.

Dacic told RTS that he talked with ministers from Oman and Uganda - countries that are on Pristina's list of those who have recognized Kosovo as independent - during the session of the General Assembly.

"The same thing was said by a minister from Lesotho. I will speak with all of them, I have scheduled talks with 84 countries, out of 193 (UN member-states). It is not hard for me, that's my main political activity. (I'll) have a series of bilateral meeting so that those who recognized Kosovo reexamine that decision, and those who did not, strengthen their position," Dacic told RTS.

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