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Serb families in the village Grace afraid of the Kosovo police (RTS)

RTS reports that a few days ago Kosovo Police searched the house of the Popovic family in Grace village. The police searched for weapons. According to RTS correspondant from Gracanica, weapons were not found but the owner of the house was arrested, and reportedly criminal charges were failed against him.

The police public report reads that a suspected Serb in Grace village was arrested and that an air rifle was seized and a rubber bat. Two criminal charges were filed against the arrested person, reports RTS.

RTS reports that Popovic moved his two elderly sons to Belgrade. He says that he wants to relieve, at least them, of the pressure. He does not know exactly what the reason for the police incursion and the pressure could be. But says that most likely the reason might be that he is not selling a house. Popovic's house and property are located at the entrance to the village, along the main road, reports RTS.

The Popovic family and their neighbors fear from repeted arrival of the police.

"We do not know whether during the night or day they will get into, as the day. They pressure him so much, for three years now. It's not normal anymore," says Stana Popovic to RTS.