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Blic: The draft law about the ''negative connotation of KLA and the punishments for it"

The Belgrade based-daily Blic today writes on its portal about the draft law that ''would punish the negative mentioning of KLA crimes''. The daily states it had an insight in this draft law.

Blic writes that Pristina, in practice, ''wants to legally and formally amnesties criminals from their ranks''.

- They practically want to introduce verbal delict. If somebody says publicly that members of the KLA are murderers, he could be punished. If a witness in the court says that members of the KLA are criminals, he could be punished. If someone, who's family member was killed, points his finger at the KLA as the responsible one for a murder, for example, he will go to prison - the source from Kosovo explains to Blic.

The draft law that foresees all this has not yet been put on the agenda of the Kosovo parliament, but it has been prepared, Blic writes.

According to Blic, this document regulates the "institutional and civic obligation for the protection of the value of the KLA fight", which, as stated, ''by its sacrifice, has made an invaluable contribution to the Kosovo liberation fight and was the decisive factor for the freedom and independence of the people of Kosovo".