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“Clash between Thaci and Haradinaj is clash of two projects for Kosovo” (Danas, RTK 2)

Clash between Hashim Thaci and Ramush Haradinaj is a clash between the two projects for Kosovo, leader of the Serb European Movement in Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic told Danas daily.

Trajkovic said the first project includes delineation that would abolish the rights of Serbs deriving from the Ahtisaari’s package, while the second project would include acceptance of the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, and the process of resolving the rights of Kosovo Serbs would begin.

Meanwhile, analyst Gzim Bazhaku said Albanians are worried over stories on delineation, since it would bring into question international position of Kosovo and its internal administration.

“If Hashim Thaci signs the agreement related to the borders or territories, then the Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) would seek in the Parliament his impeachment,” Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj said, adding there can be no compromise related to the Kosovo territory.

According to Trajkovic, “Thaci in agreement with Vucic works on a project that would include abolishment of the rights given to the Serbs based on Ahtisaari’s plan, and it is a project of ethnic delineation, that would leave Serbs without any protection mechanisms in the parliament.”

On the other hand, Trajkovic continued, Ramush Haradinaj is closer to accepting the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, resolving the issues of Serbs in Kosovo, some type of multiethnicity and no change of borders.

Gzim Baxhaku said that in addition to the Serbs, Albanians are also disturbed with statements on the delineation, because the eventual opening of the border issue could create high tensions and problems, that would according to him, have far-reaching consequences.