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Zecevic: Germany is interested to resolve Kosovo issue (RTS)

Institute for European Studies Professor, Slobodan Zecevic told RTS Germany is interested that Serbia joins the EU, but also to resolve the Kosovo issue, since Serbia cannot enter the EU with unresolved relations with Albanians.

He also assessed that Pristina by refusing to lift taxes, despite requests from USA and EU, became some sort of “fugitive” in relation to the international law and international relations.

Speaking for the RTS morning news edition, Professor Zecevic termed as “interesting” what Ramush Haradinaj said yesterday, indicating that Pristina in fact listens to no one, it is their independent decision, and nobody has influence on them any longer.

According to Zecevic, the Albanian leadership has passed a long way, from rebelling against Serbian and Yugoslav legal order and now they entered a new phase of rebellion, against international law and rights as well as against the USA, that was supporting them all these years.

“Since allegedly USA has no influence on them any longer, they are becoming some sort of international fugitive in relation to the international law and relations, since they consider themselves as a state,” Zecevic said.

Zecevic noted that Pristina respects neither Brussels agreements, nor its obligation to establish Community of Serb Majority Municipalities. They treat negotiators from Serbia in a same way as they treated Marko Djuric on the street (during his arrest), they respect neither CEFTA nor EU rules on free flows of goods.

He also said it is interesting to see whether the EU and USA “would bring them to the justice now” adding this is something that is expected.

Commenting on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue format, and whether USA and Russia should get involved in EU-mediated talks, Zecevic said Germany is interested that Serbia joins the EU, but also to resolve the Kosovo issue, so Serbia does not join the EU with unresolved relations with Albanians and maybe with some “disputable border,” RTS reported.