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Convicted KLA commander became Haradinaj’s adviser (Tanjug, RTS, KoSSev)

Sulejman Selimi, former KLA commander, who was sentenced for the war crime against the civilian population in Kosovo, currently released on parole, has been appointed as a political adviser to the Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, KoSSev portal reports.

The portal added, referring to Pristina-based daily Zeri that chief of Haradinaj’s cabinet, Avni Arifi has confirmed the news.

Open glorification of a personality and acts of the convicted war criminal in Kosovo by highest Kosovo officials as well as his engagement in the cabinet of the Kosovo prime minister has not caused yet any reactions by officials or civil society organizations, RTS said.

Since he was released on parole, Selimi was a guest in the cabinets of Kosovo prime minister and president, while the leader of opposition LDK Isa Mustafa also welcomed the news on Selimi’s release on parole.

RTS recalled that Selimi received an invitation from Specialist Court and was supposed to be interviewed in the Hague on January 9, however he was hospitalized two days prior to the travel.