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Trepca workers in fear, director Dimkic says they cannot participate in their own economic suicide (RTS,TV Most)

RTS reports that after the new Pristina's move, the workers of Trepca are worried about the future fate of this combine.

Management of Trepca North announced that they will not apply the legal measures of central institutions in Pristina on the new structure of the entire combine, because it would mean the shutting down of the company operated by Serbs.

Kosovo government became its majority owner by the new Law on Trepca. In Trepča North, say that their owner is the Republic of Serbia.

“If, even for a moment, we ignored this political and legal context of all these activities, from a purely professional aspect, we cannot accept the proposed legal solutions because we do not want to participate in our own economic suicide. These solutions, made without any consultation with us, not even the minimal consultations, are really harmful for us, ” Jovan Dimkic, director of Trepca North said.

In Trepca in Zvecan, they said that they cannot permit the production to be stopped, to give up the financial results thanks to which they regularly settle all obligations towards employees and suppliers.