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US Diplomat from Delphi Forum: The goal of negotiations is recognition of Kosovo’s independence (N1, Beta, Danas)

Serbia should recognise Kosovo as an independent, sovereign country and Kosovo should do the same, said Matthew Palmer, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State.

"The talks between Belgrade and Pristina are not about the border change, but about recognition. Serbia should recognise Kosovo as an independent, sovereign country, and Kosovo should do the same," Palmer said in Delfi, at the fourth Delphi Economic Forum, Danas daily reported.

Answering the question about the US position in the Belgrade-Pristina talks, Palmer warned that there is a misunderstanding of the US’ position.

"The US wants to help the actors in what they want to do. The Prespa Agreement was a success because leaders of both sides wanted it to succeed. We want that success to be repeated in Belgrade-Pristina negotiations and for the agreement to be acceptable both to Belgrade and Pristina," Palmer said, adding that there are no red lines in these negotiations.

The diplomat was clear about the tariffs which Kosovo introduced to all Serbian and Bosnian products last year, saying they should either abolish or suspend them because they only hinder the talks between two sides.

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